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The new saturation model was also implemented on a well within the Marcellus Formation, an organic shale reservoir from the Devonian era situated in the Appalachian basin. The Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content in our sample well log stands at 2.9 weight percent, ranging between 1.2% and 8.8%.


To establish the fully brine-saturated shale trend essential for predictive modeling, we utilize the wet shale interval above the Marcellus shale reservoir. Once again, note how closely the new Swt model aligns with the Swt derived from the traditional saturation model calibrated to core Swt.

Case Study Highlights:

The average Swt value obtained from the new model stands at 44%, compared to 46% from the conventional saturation model.

The overlying wet shale interval was used to establish the fully brine saturated trend used in model prediction.

Well Log Plots


Well log plot of the Marcellus shale


The new model accurately predicts water saturation in an organic gas shale reservoir with mixed lithology.


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