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Of significance in this example is the fact that this reservoir is a black oil reservoir. PVT testing conducted on oil samples extracted from the reservoir revealed an oil gravity of 34.2 API.
The average Swt calculated across the pay interval using the new model is 29%, whereas the Archie saturation model, calibrated to core-measured electrical properties and Rw determined from within the reservoir, yields an average Swt of 25%.
New Sonic log based saturation model was successfully applied to a black oil reservoir offshore the Gulf of Mexico.
Model results was comparable to that from conventional saturation models.
*Batzle, M., & Wang, Z., 1992, Seismic properties of pore fluids. GEOPHYSICS, 57(11), 1396-1408. https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1443207
*Han, D. H.; Batzle, M. Velocity, density and modulus of hydrocarbon fluids — Empirical modeling. In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2000, pp 1867-1870.
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