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This example is offshore the Gulf of Mexico, located in waters exceeding 8,000 feet in depth. The sand reservoir is a Middle Miocene age reservoir, known as the lower purple sand reservoir. The well is in the Lloyd Ridge Block 2 gas field. The average porosity across the main reservoir is 35.6% with an average permeability of 707 mD. Unfortunately, the reservoir doesn’t have a wet zone, so we had to use a fully brine-saturated reservoir from an offset well.


The Swt estimate from the new saturation model is the red curve labeled SWT_VpVs in the well log plot below. Once again, note how well it matches with the core Swt and Archie saturation model – the blue curve in the water saturation track. The average Swt over the reservoir interval from the new saturation model is 24.8%, compared to 21.3% for the Archie saturation model.

Case Study Highlights:

What is notable about this example is the implication that in the absence of a wet zone in our target reservoir, we can use a wet zone from a different reservoir several miles away within the same basin that is about the same geologic age and possibly consolidation as our target reservoir. 

Well Log Plots

Well log of Offshore GOM Gas sand


We were able to accurately estimate water saturation using the new model on a gas sand reservoir without a water leg. New model water saturation estimate compares well with that obtained from conventional saturation model To explore how our advanced petrophysical solutions can enhance your projects in the Gulf of Mexico, please contact us.

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